Qwerty doctored Ballistic .....dos'nt that mean castrated ?
...is there a legitimate reason for changing it? yeah; it dos'nt look like you anymore; I vote for a 2003 version..lets have a vote....
<<< this pic was recently the subject of much discussion at the recent bbq held by englishman.
apparently some people including qwerty and gadget thought i had a bald head with hair combed over it a.k.a.
"comb over".
Qwerty doctored Ballistic .....dos'nt that mean castrated ?
...is there a legitimate reason for changing it? yeah; it dos'nt look like you anymore; I vote for a 2003 version..lets have a vote....
... a penguin?.
... or a squirrel?.
...or a little birdy?.
Ha ha ha Brilliant roflmfao !!!!!!!
we just received this e mail.
it may or may not be true but it is making the rounds in dubdom.. here ya go.... just a quick note to let you know that out of the 9 dead and some .
injured in the run away car incident at the farmer's market in santa.
I can see where you're all coming from ;all points duly noted and accepted.....
but Search............... ROFLMFAO !!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had such a sh***y day - you made me shoulder-shake and snort out loud- thankyou
i read this notice from his daughter this morning
my father passed peacefully at 1:07 am this morning.
i wish to thank you for being so nice to my dad.
(((((Misty))))) - i'm so, so, sorry to hear this. Those quiet poems your father wrote and his thoughtfulness to others will be a fitting testament to his memory and beautiful soul.
It's so terribly sad.
Bye; enjoy yourself.
my name is shannon, and i usually post on the exjw's forum.
this one has been mentioned several times, so i thought i'd mosey on over and see what it was like.
if anyone is interested, i was raised in the borg, and i left five years ago at 19 years of age..
Hi Shannon; hope you stay around so we can get to know you - Simon likes you to use LOTS of smilie things in your posts......
Termite x
as a jw, were you ever put on restrictions?
how did you feel when you were told that a certain "privilege" was being taken from you?
were you given any warning by the elders in charge that what you did merited a removal of some sort?
I was living with my partner, (now husband) and studying at the time. An elder sidled up to me before the start of a meeting and whispered that I could'nt comment at the hall or during the Tues book study as I was 'nt married, although I was going to be in a few weeks.
I'd been going for ages and it'd not been mentioned before. They said when I was married I would be able to speak again.It really upset me; it felt like blackmail and was my first negative experience.
It was backward psycology; how can you encourage someone by discouraging them?
So I told the woman I studied what he'd said and low and behold; had an appology from him, although I was still not allowed to speak up until I got married .
After my marriage I vowed I would'nt speak at meetings -and I never did.
are feminists unattractive?
i mean physically.
most of the feminists i've met were either ugly, dykey or both.
mecurious- you bet I am - curious as to where you developed outragous ideas like that? At the KH by any chance?
No need for feminism as they can get any man they want
Are you serious ??!
Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of equality of the sexes -
feminists are not women who hate the men they can't get- they are women who hate the inequality of a system or belief that still tries to imply that women are inferior. to men in our society.
It is any woman who believes she is equal in status to a man
Nothing else..you have to leave your ego out of this issue.
The superiority and man-hating- feminist myth is one that constantly and no doubt purposely clouds the real issue- and that is that women HAVE to have equality -it is a basic human rights issue and that's what the word means.
I think you're talking about 'gold diggers' a totally different issue.
The MEDICAL term' feminism' is the development of female characteristics in a male person- not the other way around.
my friggin' batteries ran out after the 4th pic unfortunately, so here's 2 of mine and 2 nicked from trucker
ballistic plays with his action man.
matty changing his mind from being sceptical about reflexology.
But I did'nt reconise him at first because I thought the shadow on his avator was a comb over!!!!
Gadget,you're cracking me up today (get to bed)
i have never tried to hurt anyone in my life.
i have always tried to love others from my own childhood upbringing.. i have been treated like a traitor.
everything i said was twisted.
Rebel; Just to let you know i'm here if you want to talk; thinking of you and hoping you're ok- i'm at [email protected] we're all here- are we close to you?
( look on Ballistic's map) do you want to meet up ? Will do anything to help
(have 2 days off )
termite xxxxx